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LEARN TO BE A VENTRILOQUIST Lee Cornell's Ventriloquism 101


Insider Secrets Revealed…

"Discover how you can finally become a ventriloquist, be onstage performing before live audiences and be admired by everyone!

And, i'll show you how in as little as 30 days.


The #1 selling ventriloquism video course on the Internet will show you, step-by-step, the insider secrets to ventriloquism, and allow you to fulfill your lifelong dream of becoming a ventriloquist. And, you’ll also receive some extremely valuable bonuses!

Plus, now you can choose between the original video course, or the NEW all digital, USB Flash drive version at a fantastic price!

Dear Friend,

Imagine this…

You're standing behind the curtain, ready to go on stage for the first time. You're excited and your adrenaline is pumping because you've dreamed of this moment for as long as you can remember. The MC announces you and your partner's name, and you walk on stage, into the spotlight, to the applause of the crowd! You begin your routine, joking with your "sidekick" and the audience responds with laughter, wonderment and applause. You're a huge hit! After the show many people crowd around to compliment you on your amazing talent and you think to yourself, "Why did I wait so long to become a ventriloquist?...”

Well, now you can join the thousands of others who have made their dream of becoming a ventriloquist come true with this exciting, entertaining and information-packed DVD* video course, “Ventriloquism 101 with Lee Cornell: Insider Secrets to Becoming a Ventriloquist in as Little as 30 Days!" 

How it all began

My name is Lee Cornell. I first became “hooked” on ventriloquism when I was 9 years old. The only gift I wanted for Christmas that year was a ventriloquist puppet from the annual Sears Christmas catalog (anyone else remember those?). I vividly remember lying awake in bed each night – wanting so badly to become a ventriloquist.

On Christmas morning, with it gently snowing outside and the smell of my mom's hot chocolate heating on the stove (no microwaves in those days!), I carefully opened the one package that I felt might contain the gift I so desperately wanted. My wish came true!

Lee and "Jerry" 1966

The box contained what would become my first ventriloquist puppet. Now, I thought, I was on my way to becoming a ventriloquist!

  My Disappointment

The puppet came with a little 4 page booklet that only explained the basics of ventriloquism. And, it was nowhere near detailed enough to show me how to become a ventriloquist. I tried to learn from the booklet, but I could not. So, my quest to become a ventriloquist continued.

I went to my local library and checked out books on ventriloquism. I took mail order courses. I sought advice from a local professional ventriloquist I knew at the time. I practiced every chance I could. And, quite frankly, I thought about giving up. People around me told me that I was wasting my time and that I would never succeed.

But, I still had "the dream." So I kept working. And, finally, after many months of practice and hard work, I did become a ventriloquist.

I'll never forget the look on the faces of my friends and family when I made Jerry "talk." Their jaws dropped! Suddenly I was not the kid who would "never be able to do it." Instead, I  was admired by all of those around me. I had always been a shy person, but ventriloquism gave me a lot more confidence in myself and opened opportunities for me that I would have never been offered.

I began performing when I was 12 years old and have been doing shows ever since!

  Was It Worth It?

There is nothing like the feeling of performing a show for a live audience. It’s such a rush and people always want to talk after the show about the magic and illusion of ventriloquism.

Over the past 40 plus years, the question people most often ask me is, “How did you make that puppet look so alive? You had me believing he was a real person!” This is the greatest compliment you will receive as a ventriloquist. It’s when the audience gets so caught up in the illusion of your skill that, for a few moments, they think of your puppet as a living thing.

Lee on stage with "Fred" at a United States Navy
officer promotion function

The performing opportunities, and the chance to make a really good income (either full time or part time), for a ventriloquist are nearly endless. Stage, night clubs, television, banquets, corporate functions, comedy clubs, school shows, hospital shows, fairs and carnivals, library shows. The list goes on and on.

And, if you are a magician, clown or some other type of entertainer, adding ventriloquism adds even more variety and excitement to your show and makes you more in demand as a performer. This allows you to charge more money for your services.

  Does It Have to Be So Hard? Not Anymore!

Years ago, I realized that most ventriloquism books, videos and courses were either too complicated, did not contain enough information, were out of date, or took months to complete. That’s what I experienced when I was learning.

The reason most people don’t become ventriloquists is because the majority of materials on the market today make it difficult to learn as quickly as most people would like. They lose interest and quit before they reach their goal of becoming a ventriloquist.

So, I decided to produce a broadcast quality (the quality you would see on TV) DVD video course, drawing on my 40 years of being a ventriloquist. And I designed the course so that people could learn the secrets to this wonderful art form quickly and easily. You’ll become a ventriloquist faster than the driver of the pole position car at the Indianapolis 500!

The Ventriloquism 101 video course was released on the World Wide Web in 1997. It quickly became the best selling Internet ventriloquism video course in the world, a position it still holds today.

  Who Can Become A Ventriloquist?

Let me shatter a big myth right now. You don’t need some sort of weird throat or voice, or be some kind of “freak of nature” to become a ventriloquist. Can you talk? If you can, then you can become a ventriloquist quickly and easily. All it takes is a willingness to follow my step-by-step video instructions and the commitment to practice just a few FUN minutes per day.

You can be performing on stage in as little as 30 days!

The video course is broken up into several fun DVD “chapters” and guides you with video demonstrations of all of the lessons. If you need to see a segment again, just skip forward or backwards on the DVD to replay any portion you need more work on.

You can become a ventriloquist by only practicing 10-15 minutes per day!

  Here’s what’s covered on the Ventriloquism 101 video course DVD:

The REAL secret of ventriloquism (this will shock you!)
Speaking without moving your lips
How to decide on a voice for your puppet (with examples of several voices)
The secret of the ventriloquist voice
The correct mouth positioning for the ventriloquist voice. (Doing this the wrong way can prevent you from becoming a ventriloquist)
Sound substitutions
How to say the difficult letters without moving your lips
Breathing exercises
How to make your puppet look alive
How to choose the “right” type of ventriloquist puppet
How to write scripts
Insider tips to joke telling
And much more on this broadcast quality DVD!

Also included with your course:

Ventriloquism 101 "Quick Start" Audio CD

This great audio CD will get you started FAST on becoming a ventriloquist. You'll be shown how to get the most out of the course, tips on practicing, how to become a ventriloquist as quickly as possible and how to have a lot of fun while you learn. Listen to this CD first when you receive your course.


“Ventriloquism Revealed” Book

This knockout 32 page book is the perfect companion to the Ventriloquism 101 video course. It contains tons of other tricks, tips and secrets to ventriloquism. Here’s what’s covered:  

Ventriloquism - What's it all about?
Ventriloquism - Where should I start?
Who can be a ventriloquist?
Of what value is ventriloquism?
Where is ventriloquism used?
Ventriloquist "Dummies"
How is ventriloquism done?
Ventriloquist Puppet: Build it yourself
How to write a ventriloquist routine
Script: "You Axed For It"

Peepers Instant Hand Puppet

Mr. Peepers Hand Puppet

These great little clip-on eyes attach to your fingers in many ways, giving you the perfect, portable puppet that you can practice with or carry in your pocket to bring out and show your friends your ventriloquism talents!


Does The Course Work? Don’t Take My Word For It

I’m sure many of you have never heard of me and question if I can really show you how to become a ventriloquist. I can certainly understand that you may be a bit skeptical about the course and how quickly you will learn. Take a look at just a few of the hundreds of testimonials we have received since the course became available in 1997.


"Dear Lee,   Just a quick note to tell you how absolutely delighted I am with your course!   All the freebies are WONDERFUL! Your easy going style and heartfelt support are a pleasure, and buying your course is one the absolute best investments I've made.   Lee, if you're ever available for private lessons I hope you'll let me know. Once again kudos on a magnificent course!   Kind regards,"
Peter Suslock, Stamford, CT


"Hi Lee, I received your DVD. I can't thank you enough. Your VENTRILOQUISM 101 is truthfully the BEST. The information, presentation and the production quality was OUTSTANDING. I would recommend it above any other DVD, VHS or books on the subject I have read."
Dick Barry, Professional magician, 8 times nominated as "Best Parlour Magician" at the world famous Hollywood Magic Castle, San Clemente, CA


Lee has very still lips and his pronunciation is crisp and clear. This video is well thought out and produced so that even the youngest of potential ventriloquists can understand it."
Dialogue Magazine, Vent World Association
Vol.17, Number 3


"It’s very helpful to watch and hear Cornell, who is an accomplished ventriloquist indeed. His lips do not move. This video course is a good way for you to explore the possibility of adding variety to your magic act. Recommended."
The Linking Ring Magazine
International Brotherhood of Magicians
Volume 79, Number 5


"Hi Lee,
You sound so natural, I can't believe you're substituting (letters & sounds). Are you sure there isn't somebody "behind the screen?" Thanks again. I would recommend the video to anybody."
Dr. Russell Myer, Red Bluff, CA


"I found Lee’s DVD to be well done, and educational.  He mentions things I never thought of.  Lee knows what he is doing.  I learned from his video. I recommend it." 
Bill DeMar, ventriloquism legend and performer for over 50 years, Evansville, IN


Got the Ventriloquism 101 video yesterday. Of everything I've read or watched your video is the best. I like the way it takes you through step by step. I am having problems getting a voice I like but I think you have helped me with that."
Tony Vaci, Oak Lawn, Illinois


"Dear Lee,
Your course is outstanding. Your Ventriloquism 101 course did what you said it would do. I can do ventriloquism. I'm as happy as a hillbilly pig in a mud pie! I love my new skill and want to do it all of the time!"
George Cox, Newton, NC


"Dear Mr. Cornell,
Many thanks for your video course. Your video is quite good. I also have the (......another video on ventriloquism.....) purchased over a year ago, and, while it is adequate, your DVD is much better and more detailed. I continue to admire and play your video."
Dr. John F. Gay, Toledo, OH


$390 In Additional Bonuses!

You know, if you’ve read this far, I know you really want to become a ventriloquist. You may have thought about it for years, but never got started. You may have thought it would be too difficult, or take too much time.

Well, here is your chance to finally take action and learn with the quickest, easiest and most fun course on the market. You will amaze your friends, family and audiences, and will have a talent that very few people will ever have. You’ll be the center of attention every time you perform with your little buddy.

You will have, enjoy and bring joy to others with this unique skill for the rest of your life. And, make a lot of money in the process by performing, if you desire.

So, to help make your decision easier for you to order right now while the thought is fresh on your mind, when you order today, I am going to include some great bonuses.


Bonus #1: One Year of One-0n-One Consultations with Me

$195.00 Value

I love ventriloquism and I sincerely want you to become a ventriloquist, too. So, as part of your course investment, you can email, fax, or phone me personally for one year with any questions you may have during and after your study of the course.


Bonus #2: Two Video Critique Certificates

$100.00 Value

You can send me a video of yourself practicing or performing and I’ll critique (in a positive way) your video and give you my thoughts on what you are doing right and what areas you may need a little more work on.


Bonus #3: "The Secrets To Destroying Stage Fright...FOREVER!"
Audio CD Program
$15.00 Value

Join Lee Cornell as he reveals the results of over 20 years worth of research - showing you secrets to making the words "Stage Fright" a thing of the past in your shows.

Lee covers the best of the best in information that will allow you to go on stage without fear. You'll feel a new level of confidence! Enjoy performing and make your shows better than ever!

Topics covered include:

Who has stage fright? Is it just me?
What are the symptoms of stage fright?
How to eliminate stage fright forever
What if the audience doesn't like my show?
An amazing relaxation technique
The #1 reason for stage fright and how to smash it
How to make the audience love you and your show
Things that don't work
Plus tons more!

Bonus #4: The Classic "Pride and Joy" Wallet Photo

$3.00 Value

This is a full color wallet size photo showing a picture of Pride furniture polish and a bottle of Joy dish washing soap. I keep it in my puppets pocket, and at some point in the show he asks me if I want to see a picture of his “pride and joy.” It always gets a laugh (or a least a groan)!


Bonus #5: "Mega Sales and Marketing Insider Secrets"
pdf eBook on CD
$20 value

by marketing expert Dave Dee

This is one of the best resources ever put together by marketing guru Dave Dee. The information in this book will literally allow you to book as many shows as you can handle and teach you how to really promote yourself.

Over 100 pages of the best marketing tips and tricks ever developed.

Topics Include:

The difference between sales and marketing
Take away selling
10 deadly marketing sins
How to overcome clients skepticism
How to switch markets
How often to mail a prospect
How to generate word of mouth advertising
Thank you notes
Direct mail secrets
How to increase your fees
How to make more money from each job
How to create irresistible offers
How to get your marketing mail pieces opened
How to whip the low priced competitor
How to generate corporate leads
and literally hundred of other ideas


Bonus #6: "Working for a Laugh-The Corporate Comics Survival Guide to the Workplace"
pdf eBook on CD
$20 value

by Paul Romhany

Another great resource!

If you want to get into the market of performing in the corporate arena, this book compiled by full time entertainer Paul Romhany is a must have.

It's 164 pages packed with hundreds of jokes, stories and ideas for the corporate market. And, nearly all of the material can be adapted to almost any market.

Bonus #7:
DVD* “How to Get $1 Million in Publicity – Free!”
by Dr. Paul Hartunian
$30.00 Value

How To Get $1 Million Worth of Publicity...FREE!  by Marketing Expert Paul Hartunian

OK. You’re a Ventriloquist. You've got a puppet. You have a routine. You're ready to perform. Now what?

How do you get publicity for your show so people will want to hire you? How do you get your name "out there?" How can you make money with your act? You need to know how to market your show, and more importantly, how to obtain as much FREE publicity as possible.

Sure, you can spend a lot of money buying newspaper ads, printing flyers and brochures and still not get many calls.

How would you like to cut way down on your advertising costs, get thousands of dollars worth of publicity and become a celebrity for FREE?

That's where this amazing "recorded live" DVD video seminar will help you. Not a video specifically geared towards ventriloquists, but a training video that reveals methods that can absolutely be used in any business...including the entertainment / ventriloquism field.

Perhaps you have heard of Dr. Paul Hartunian.

Dr. Hartunian is the man who actually sold the World Famous Brooklyn Bridge! His story has been seen on hundreds of radio and TV shows, newspapers and magazine articles. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Hartunian has perfected his publicity system that hundreds of companies pay him up to $8,500 just to consult before sending out press and publicity releases.

In this dynamic, exciting 90 minute DVD presentation, Dr. Hartunian reveals how anyone can get thousands of dollars of free publicity for their product, service or cause!

If you've ever watched someone talk about their product or service on a TV show, listened to someone give a radio interview about what they do, or have an article written about them in a newspaper or magazine and wondered "how did they do that?", Paul will show you how.

He has appeared and been featured on The Tonight Show, SALLY, The Phil Donahue Show, Jenny Jones, and hundreds of other shows, and is considered one of the best of the best in teaching people unique publicity methods.

The information and publicity secrets revealed on this DVD are worth more than the cost of the entire course. These ideas could literally be worth thousands and thousands of dollars to you.

All of these fabulous bonuses are included with your course

when you order today!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Unbelievable “Still Lips” Guarantee!

And…you’ll also receive my ironclad, no questions asked, 100% money back
ONE YEAR GUARANTEE! That’s right. Invest in the course. Watch the DVD. Read and watch all of the bonus material. Take a full year to look everything over. If at any time during the year you feel you cannot learn ventriloquism, for whatever reason, return everything for a complete, immediate refund!

And you can keep the "Ventriloquism Revealed" book, the "Peepers" instant hand puppet and the "Pride and Joy" wallet photo as our gift to you!

Why do I offer such a strong guarantee? Because I know you will love the course and you will learn ventriloquism faster than you ever thought possible. We have an unheard of low return rate on the Ventriloquism 101 video course. In all of the years we have offered the course, and out of the thousands we’ve sold, only two-that’s right, only two people have returned the materials.

OK Lee. Everything sounds great,
but how much is this going to set me back?

The Ventriloquism 101 video course with my full year of personal coaching and consultation has a value of $249.

The regular catalog price is $149.

But since you took the time to read all of this letter, and I know it’s in your best interest to order now, I am offering the entire course, my year of consulting, my one year guarantee and all of the bonuses for only

$57 (plus shipping and handling). You read that right, only $57 for the entire package!

Think of your investment in the course another way. Book just ONE paying show after you take the course, and you will more than pay for the price of the entire package.

So now you can do one of three things.

First, you can click away from this page and continue to say to yourself that “someday” when I have more time, more money, more confidence, more “fill in the blank” I’ll learn ventriloquism. And then do nothing.

Secondly, you can go to the library and get an old book on ventriloquism, or search the Internet for some free “lessons,” or try to figure out how to become a ventriloquist on your own. But, my guess is you will become frustrated and will either not learn ventriloquism quickly, or at all.

Or, you can order right now and take advantage of all of my years of experience and shortcuts to learning ventriloquism. And in just a few days you will be on your way to becoming a ventriloquist! You know that you’ve always wanted to, so take action right now and order the Ventriloquism 101 video course today!

Best regards,

Lee Cornell
Lee Cornell

P.P.S. I can only guarantee that you’ll receive all of the additional bonuses if you order today, so place your order right now. And, in just a few weeks you could be on stage performing as a ventriloquist!

P.P.S.S. Don’t forget that you have no risk whatsoever with my one full year guarantee. And I’m here to personally help you every step of the way!

Ventriloquism 101

with Lee Cornell-

Insider Secrets to Becoming a
Ventriloquist in as Little as

30 Days!

Valued at $249

Regular Catalog Price $149

Limited Time Special Price

Only $57

Purchase Online Now!

or call (317) 752-2651
to order by phone.

Please note: Ventriloquism 101 is only available in the NTSC format. This is the video format used in the U.S. and many other countries.

*DVD is the DVD-R, REGION 1 (U.S. and Canada) format. Make sure your DVD player will play DVD-R discs. DVD may not play in DVD players manufactured before 2001.



Now Available!
Ventriloquism 101 with Lee Cornell

NEW! USB Flash Drive  all digital version!


Ventriloquism 101

with Lee Cornell-

Insider Secrets to Becoming a
Ventriloquist in as Little as

30 Days!

NEW! USB Flash Drive
all digital version!

Includes everything in the

original version above, only

all of the videos, audio files

and printed materials

have been converted to a

USB Flash drive as high

quality mp4 videos, CD quality

mp3 audios and pdf printable

files. Play, listen and

read/print everything on

your computer!

Or transfer to your iPod,

iPad or other mobile device

to learn anywhere!

Since I can't ditigize the

"Peepers" finger puppet, or

copyrighted "Pride

and Joy" wallet photo, I'll

still include those in your package!

Important Note:
The USB Flash drive files have

been tested to work on a
Microsoft PC


Videos will play in iTunes,

Windows Media Player and

VLC Media Player (a free

download player).

There are probably other

players the videos will

play on, but I have only

tested the ones listed above.

I am unsure if the files will

load or play on a Mac.

Valued at $249

Regular Catalog Price $149

Limited Time Special Price!

Only $39

Purchase Online Now!

or call (317) 752-2651
to order by phone.


Also Available !
Ventriloquism 101 with Lee Cornell-

Insider Secrets to becoming a Ventriloquist

in as Little as 30 Days!

Original DVD Video Course-



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Jeff Dunham's Little Jeff ventriloquist dummy NOW AVAILABLE!
"..The production quality of Ventriloquism 101 is very good. It has lots of information and a great co-host.."
"..It’s very helpful to watch and hear Cornell, who is an accomplished ventriloquist indeed. His lips do not move.."
"..I like the way it takes you through step by step. I am having problems getting a voice I like but I think you have helped me with that.."
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